Background – Pathways Medical Care Directory is a one-stop online directory where patients can easily find details about healthcare providers and clinics, enabling them to connect with doctors for care and stay informed about the latest clinic updates.
The Pathways Medical Care Directory is a tool to support doctor-patient relationships. It improves health outcomes when patients receive care from their own doctors.
Navigating the Pathways Medical Care Directory
My Family Doctor Search
Look up your own doctor or clinic in the My Family Doctor search on the home page. Read more tips about using the directory here.
If you have a family doctor, it is safest to get all your care from them, including refills. The medical evidence is clear that outcomes are better when patients get care from the doctor who knows their health history and goals. It helps avoid duplicate tests, medication errors and even hospitalizations.(refs 1, 2)
My Provider Search
Look up your own nurse practitioner, midwife or clinic in the My Provider search on the home page.
Find Care
For patients who don’t have a doctor, can help you find care using the Find Care search by city on the home page.
Find a Maternity Care Provider
For patients looking for a maternity care provider, can help you find one using the Find a Maternity Care Provider search by city on the home page.
FAQ’s – Pathways Medical Care Directory
What is the Pathways Medical Care Directory?
It’s a province-wide public directory that helps people connect to care. It includes listings for individual family doctors, nurse practitioners, midwives with information about their care options plus which doctors are accepting new patients.
What is Pathways?
Pathways is an online website created by family doctors and their staff to share information among professionals about specialists, referrals, community services and useful patient resources. In response to COVID-19, the public Pathways Medical Care Directory was developed to provide information about accessing primary and maternity care.
How is Pathways funded?
Pathways is a registered non-profit organization that grew out of the Fraser Northwest Division of Family Practice. It is funded by the Family Practice Services Committee which is a partnership between Doctors of BC and the Ministry of Health.
Why isn’t my doctor listed in the Pathways Medical Care Directory?
The Pathways team is working with the Divisions of Family Practice across British Columbia to gather information on family doctors in communities across the province. Updates will continue as new information is received.
What if I don’t have a family doctor?
The Pathways Medical Care Directory includes listings of doctors who are accepting new patients along with information about how to register and be added to a primary care provider waitlist.